02/08/2025: This is fun, but...

I have no idea what I'm doing. I know basic HTML but CSS confuses me and I never learn it probably and just edit mistakes through trial and error with W3schools.com. I"m going to make this main page as a blog because I want to not overwhelm myself with expectations by having a bunch of pages to manage. I'm doing better nowadays, most days at least than I was when I made my initial entry. I remember being really nervous about turning 20 but now I'm just desperate to turn 21. I have money off and on but everything I really want I have to be 21 to buy- sad.

I also have no idea what to watch on "TV" (streaming and my DVDs) anymore. I wish I had cable because I could mindlessly flip through channels at least, and you can't do that with streaming. I lately, I watch old Sunday night Adult Swim broadcasts from Zorak303's recording archive in consecutive order depending on whatever year I feel like pretending it is. I'm starting to act like in coversation that Bush is still US president. I'm so tired of hearing about politics. Seriously. Like just in general forever and ever because this two party, cultural cold war sort of thing that's going on just isn't working and we have became such a stupid failed state country. At least the US and USSR were both pretty sweet aesthetically in the '80s, I can't say the same about dems and repubs. I bring up politics despite not never wanting to just because it's inescapable right now and it weighs on my mind. I think I have like 150 total website viewers so nobody will see this anyway lol.

For some reason, I can't eat salmon anymore. I used to eat so much smoked salmon, salmon fillets, but now it makes me sick just thinking about it. Maybe I threw it up drunk one time and don't remember? Also, I should make this blog area a scrolling box because I wanna make sure everyone can seen my blinkies at the bottom.

09/15/2024: Welcome

Here are some facts about me:

And above all... I am a MOON MASTER :)