First aired Jan 29, 2006. Classic!
First aired August 27, 2006. This was remade twice in 2012. Below is one of those, I thought I downloaded the other as a gif but it ended up being mp4 and I don't wanna go back and change it. doesn't say when this one aired.
The last is my favorite one from this era- the nuclear reaction featured in this bump is the now-defunct Trojan Nuclear Reactor from my home state, Oregon (built and heavily protested in the '70s, closed in 1992 and demolished in 2006. They built the weird dome on top of Valley River mall in Eugene after the shape of this reactor. It's just a weird part of history engraved in my mind so I thought it was funny when I saw it in this bumper.
My most recent drawing of Ignignokt. Prior to this, I always drew him thinner but I just don't think that's realistic for how he'd be IRL. Also, I like a man with meat on his bones.
Based on Michelangelo's statue of Bacchus. Is he not somewhat like Bacchus/Dionysus, the pagan god of sex, drugs and rock and roll? I plan on drawing him while using another Michelangelo sculpture as reference (The Dying Slave)
His outfit is inspired by both retro-futurism of the 1960's and the more modern futurist style of the turn of the milennium. It changes a lot.
Ignignokt and I for our first "anniversary." Actually, no fairy quotes- our anniversary! I don't know where I'd be without him in my life.
A sketch of Ignignokt and I again. We have sort of a Lana del Rey relationship. I doubt either of us would do any cleaning and we'd just chainsmoke inside all day T_T Long ago, I had another comic about how "marital rape laws have not yet reached the moon." I do not condone this message anymore, nor did I then, but it still makes me laugh.
Another unfinished sketch, this one being of the Mooninites as humans rather than aliens with neon skin! I think they'd dress in that tough, nu-metal mall ninja style.
My Instagram friend, @toycoaster, drew this for me of Ignignokt! Thanks again!
Although a little outdated now, my collection of everything Ignignokt related. I'm most proud of the sweatshirt (did you know it's actually Err that says "we have two forms of ID, suck them both"?) and the koozie because I love the design of him and the chainsaws.
My Ignignokt stickers locally...
And all the way in Iceland!